Rowi's Anaesthesia Teaching Book

Anaesthesia and basic critical care for master Anaesthesiology and also a parallel pathway for Anaesthesia Postgraduate Programme.

Also a good book for Anaesthesia medical officers and paramedics.

Can be used for teaching purposes by specialists and lecturers.

This book is specifically designed to cater to the needs of young doctors and medical students who are passionate about expanding their knowledge in anaesthesia and critical care. With comprehensive and up-to-date information, it covers a wide range of topics including principles of anaesthesia, pharmacology, monitoring techniques, and management of various critical conditions. The book incorporates interactive learning tools, practical case scenarios, and clinical pearls to enhance understanding and application of concepts.

Rowi's Anaesthesia Teaching book aims to equip the new generation with the necessary skills and knowledge to provide exemplary care to patients in the field of anaesthesia and critical care.

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